Colchester and Ipswich Pest Control Essex and Suffolk Pest Solutions are experienced in eliminating pests and vermin, including biting insects, so you know you can count on us to eradicate a flea infestation. Just click on the link above to find out more about our services.
Meanwhile, read on to find some facts and information about fleas and how to get rid of these in your home.
Q. I know fleas feast on pets, but do they bite humans too?
A. Yes, they can…as they feast on pets and humans. Even if you don’t have pets it is possible to get fleas in your home. Larvae and eggs can remain dormant in carpets, curtains, clothes, bedding and sofas and adult fleas can live for long periods of time without sucking on blood. Fleas can come from friends or neighbours’ pets, or even from parks or gardens.
Q. How can I tell if I have been bitten by a flea?
A. A flea bite looks small and red and might appear in a line or a cluster. They can appear on folds of skin such as armpits or waist areas, or legs and ankles and get very itchy, although too much scratching can cause a secondary infection. Fleas can consume up to 15 times their body weight in blood and can bite up to 400 times a day, so you may have several bites at a time. So, if you have a flea infestation, it is important to call Colchester and Ipswich pest control experts, Essex and Suffolk Pest Solutions.
Q. Can fleas pose a health risk?
A. Yes, some major diseases were caused by fleas. There are hundreds of different types of fleas worldwide, and it was the rat flea that was responsible for spreading the Black Death (also known as the Bubonic Plague) in the Middle Ages. Other diseases from fleas include Murine Typhus (usually passed on by rats), and fleas can also cause allergies.
Q. What conditions do fleas need to breed?
A. They need warm temperatures and a host to thrive, so centrally heated homes create the perfect environment all year round. Contrary to what many people believe, fleas don’t die off in winter; instead they lay dormant.
Q. Can fleas be found in businesses as well as homes?
A. Fleas spend much of their time off the host (pet or human) and infest homes as well as commercial businesses. It is possible to bring them home from a flea infested pub or hotel, or you could move into a new home with an existing flea infestation. The cocoons can survive in an empty home for as long as 12 months.
Q. How will I know I have a flea infestation?
If your pets or you are scratching frequently, you will know you have got a flea infestation. You might also be able to spot these bugs – a scattering of black dirt like specs on the skin of pets is one sign or they can look like tiny brown lines from above. The flea larvae look like small white grubs with a dark centre.
Q. Are fleas easy to get rid of myself?
If your home or business is infested with fleas, it is important to get the problem treated straight away as they breed so quickly. There are over the counter treatments, but they only have limited effectiveness. Vacuuming will help to rid carpets of the eggs and washing pet bedding and sheets in the washing machine will also help control the flea population, as will taking your pets to the vet regularly.
Q. How do I successfully tackle a flea infestation?
While the above precautions can help to prevent flea numbers getting out of hand, if the problem persists or infestation is widespread, the only way to successfully deal with a flea problem is to call in the pest control experts, Ipswich and Colchester. Essex and Suffolk Pest Solutions are experienced in pest and flea elimination and use environmentally-friendly products where possible. You would need to leave the property for a few hours until treatment is complete.
Flea Control Colchester and Ipswich – Click here to contact Essex and Suffolk Pest Solutions.
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