Fleas are small, wingless insects with mouthparts adapted
for piercing skin and sucking blood.
Where do fleas live?
Adult fleas will live on dogs or cats, feeding on their
blood, which is required by the female flea to produce her eggs. The female flea will ingest about 15 times
her body weight in blood and lay about 25-50 eggs per day.
The eggs are laid on the animal but will fall off onto the
ground or into your carpet, usually close to where your pet spends most of its
time. Eggs usually hatch in about 2-12
days depending on temperature and humidity.
The larvae that emerge from the eggs have no legs and can
only crawl a short distance, so most will be near your pet’s favourite resting
The flea can remain as a larva for 2-20 feeding on organic
material. The larvae change into adults
after spinning a cocoon (pupa), which may take from 7 days up to 1 year.
The adult fleas emerge from the pupa and jump onto your pets
to begin the cycle all over again.
How do I know if my pet has fleas?
The feeding of the fleas will cause irritation so your pet
will be constantly scratching and biting itself. You may also observe the fleas in your pet’s
hair, see them on your carpet or be bitten yourself.
A severe flea infestation can make your pet very miserable
and can lead to allergic dermatitis and anaemia. Fleas can also transmit tapeworm parasites to
your pet.
How can I keep fleas
out of my house?
Fleas can be difficult to eliminate, but if you are vigilant
and use the correct chemicals in a safe and effective manner, you will be
victorious. Just be sure to treat all the areas where your pet spends time,
including the car.
Kill the fleas on your pet by treating as
recommended by your vet.
Vacuum regularly, paying special attention to
the areas where your pet spends most time.
Wash or replace pet bedding. Spray with spot killers.
If you have a severe infestation call in the
professionals for a full spray treatment of your property.